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Coaches…. Be Coachable!

By Baseball Coach Training, 01/25/19, 12:00PM PST


Make your practices fun!  Work hard when you create your practice plans to challenge your players and keep things moving. 

The best coaches in the world are also humble students of the game!  It is our job as coaches to continue to develop our skill sets the same way we teach our players to!  It’s easy to see that baseball and softball are games that are always evolving, so as coaches we must strive to do the same!

Without using complex terminology or fancy gadgets, we must work to be better communicators to our players.  We need to use language they understand and empower them to learn from their own failures.  It’s easy as coaches to get complacent.  It’s easy to do the same drills, yell out the same things and run the same practices over and over.